Rank | #Votes | Ratings |
65 | 1 | Logan (LOG) |
67 | 1 | PerformanZ (PFZ) |
72 | 1 | BM Craig (BMC) |
74 | 1 | Payne (PAY) |
79 | 3 | Congrove (CGV); CSL (CSL); Catherwood (CTW) |
80 | 2 | Howell (HOW); Laz Index (LAZ) |
82 | 1 | According to Comp. (ATC) |
83 | 1 | Marsee (MAR) |
84 | 2 | Baker Bradley-Terry (BBT); Dwiggins (DWI) |
85 | 3 | Football Power Index (FPI); RT Power (RTP); Round Robin Win % (RWP) |
86 | 3 | Billingsley (BIL); Born (BRN); The Power Rank (TPR) |
88 | 5 | ARGH (ARG); Dokter Entropy (DOK); PiRate (PIR); Phelan Power (PPP); Simmons (SMS) |
89 | 1 | Pigskin (PIG) |
90 | 3 | Bassett (BAS); Kellner (KEL); Sagarin (SAG) |
91 | 2 | Dezenzio TSRS (DEZ); Sorensen (SOR) |
92 | 2 | Coleman's MinV (CMV); Donchess Inference (DII) |
94 | 3 | DeSimone (DES); Moore (MOR); Rudacille (RUD) |
96 | 1 | Massey (MAS) |
97 | 1 | Pugh (PGH) |
98 | 2 | Kirkpatrick (KPK); OSCAR (OSC) |
99 | 1 | Kambour (KAM) |
101 | 2 | Daniel Curry Index (DCI); Yale USAG (YAG) |
102 | 2 | Burdorf (BDF); England (ENG) |
103 | 1 | B Wilson Empirical (BWE) |
106 | 1 | Mangels (MGS) |
110 | 1 | Hatch (HAT) |
118 | 1 | Nutshell (NUT) |