Rank#VotesRatings 401 The Power Rank (TPR) 512 Moore (MOR); Pointshare (PTS) 531 Regression Based (RBA) 551 Bassett (BAS) 571 Director of Info (DOI) 581 TrueSkill (TS) 601 Wiemeyer (WMR) 621 Football Power Index (FPI) 631 Stat Fox (SFX) 653 Born (BRN); Pigskin (PIG); Roundtable Retro (RTB) 661 Sagarin (SAG) 673 Burdorf (BDF); B Wilson Empirical (BWE); Nutshell (NUT) 681 Know Huddle (KH) 711 Wilson (WIL) 722 Daniel Curry Index (DCI); GRS Gindin (GRS) 742 McCormick (MCK); Tempo-Free Gridiron (TFG) 756 Bobcat (BOB); Kislanko ISOV (KLK); Rothman (RTH); Solecismic (SOL); Sport Theory (STH); TeamRankings Pred (TRP) 764 CPA (CPA); Dokter Entropy (DOK); Dolphin Pred (DP); Rissler (RSL) 773 Krach (KRA); Massey (MAS); Random Walker FL (RFL) 785 Bihl (BIH); Adjusted Stats EWP (HKB); OSCAR Predictive (OSP); Rudacille (RUD); Sports Rank Central (SRC) 794 BC Moore (BCM); Donchess Inference (DII); Hensley (HNL); Self (SEL) 801 Laurie Surplus Wins (LSW) 812 Ashburn (ASH); PiRate (PIR) 823 Ashburn BCSC (ABC); AccuRatings (ACU); Dezenzio TSRS (DEZ) 832 Catherwood (CTW); Fremeau (FEI) 841 Round Robin Win % (RWP) 852 England (ENG); Kirkpatrick (KPK) 864 Fleming (FMG); MvG Sports (MvG); Sorensen (SOR); Whitlock (WLK) 877 Baker Bradley-Terry (BBT); Howell (HOW); Junky's (JNK); Laz Index (LAZ); Maas (MAA); S & P (S@P); USAT CFCC (UCC) 884 Congrove (CGV); Pugh (PGH); RoundTable (RT); Weighted Win Paths (WWP) 894 Golden (GLD); Boyd ISR (ISR); Logan (LOG); Morgan (MGN) 907 Anderson (AND); Ernst Zermelo (EZ); Hatch (HAT); Loudsound (LSD); CF Playoff FourCast (PCP); Wobus (WOB); Wolfe (WOL) 914 Coffey (COF); DeSimone (DES); Dolphin (DOL); Payne (PAY) 924 ARGH (ARG); Billingsley (BIL); Henderson (HEN); Mark (MRK) 935 Bassett-Stephenson (BSS); Colley (COL); CSL (CSL); Keeper (KEE); Knight (KNT) 941 Real Time RPI (RTR) 952 Mease (MEA); Rewards (REW) 963 Kellner (KEL); Nolan (NOL); Welch (WEL) 972 McDonald-Seer (MDS); Stupey (STU) 981 Ken Stromness (KEN) 991 CPA Retro (CPR) 1011 Claudio (CI) 1022 According to Comp. (ATC); D1A Sports (D1A) 1041 GB Eldredge (GBE) 1061 Phelan Power (PPP)
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