Rank#VotesRatings 111 Nolan (NOL) 121 According to Comp. (ATC) 141 Ken Stromness (KEN) 151 McDonald-Seer (MDS) 161 Stupey (STU) 194 D1A Sports (D1A); Dunkel (DUN); Golden (GLD); Morgan (MGN) 201 Marsee (MAR) 211 CSL (CSL) 222 Kellner (KEL); Loudsound (LSD) 235 Baker Bradley-Terry (BBT); Congrove (CGV); GB Eldredge (GBE); Knight (KNT); Mark (MRK) 255 Billingsley (BIL); Henderson (HEN); MJS Standings (MJS); Rissler (RSL); Real Time RPI (RTR) 262 Graves-Reese RUSH (GRR); Logan (LOG) 272 Fremeau (FEI); Welch (WEL) 282 PerformanZ (PFZ); Vern (VRN) 293 Catherwood (CTW); Howell (HOW); Mease (MEA) 303 Burdorf (BDF); Colley (COL); Know Huddle (KH) 315 Football Power Index (FPI); Payne (PAY); CF Playoff FourCast (PCP); Rewards (REW); Stat Fox (SFX) 323 Born (BRN); B Wilson Empirical (BWE); RoundTable (RT) 332 Coffey (COF); Phelan Power (PPP) 343 ARGH (ARG); MvG Sports (MvG); PiRate (PIR) 352 Hatch (HAT); TeamRankings Pred (TRP) 366 Bordering On Wisdom (BOW); Bassett-Stephenson (BSS); Laz Index (LAZ); Moore (MOR); Tempo-Free Gridiron (TFG); USAT CFCC (UCC) 372 Junky's (JNK); Wolfe (WOL) 384 Anderson (AND); BC Moore (BCM); Round Robin Win % (RWP); Weighted Win Paths (WWP) 398 AccuRatings (ACU); Ernst Zermelo (EZ); InPredictable (INP); Kirkpatrick (KPK); OSCAR Predictive (OSP); Rudacille (RUD); Sport Theory (STH); Whitlock (WLK) 402 Donchess Inference (DII); England (ENG) 414 Bihl (BIH); Boyd ISR (ISR); Keeper (KEE); Wobus (WOB) 426 Dolphin Pred (DP); Fleming (FMG); Adjusted Stats EWP (HKB); Hensley (HNL); Krach (KRA); Solecismic (SOL) 434 Ashburn BCSC (ABC); Daniel Curry Index (DCI); Dolphin (DOL); Maas (MAA) 447 Ashburn (ASH); Coleman's MinV (CMV); DeSimone (DES); Massey (MAS); Coleman MVP (MVP); Random Walker FL (RFL); Sagarin (SAG) 454 CPA (CPA); Pugh (PGH); Pigskin (PIG); Wilson (WIL) 462 Director of Info (DOI); Kislanko ISOV (KLK) 475 GRS Gindin (GRS); Kambour (KAM); Rothman (RTH); Self (SEL); Sorensen (SOR) 483 Bassett (BAS); Dezenzio TSRS (DEZ); TrueSkill (TS) 502 Dokter Entropy (DOK); McCormick (MCK) 522 Bobcat (BOB); Nutshell (NUT) 551 Roundtable Retro (RTB) 561 Pointshare (PTS) 572 Regression Based (RBA); Wiemeyer (WMR) 601 The Power Rank (TPR) 711 CPA Retro (CPR)
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