Computer Rankings for Kansas

Massey Ratings College Football Ranking Composite as of Thu Oct 29 15:38:45
(113 computer rankings)

961 Predicted CF Playoff (PCP)
971 Bobcat (BOB)
991 Random Walker FL (RFL)
1001 BC Moore (BCM)
1011 Ashburn BCSC (ABC)
1031 Daniel Curry Index (DCI)
1041 Massey (MAS)
1051 Moore (MOR)
1062 Ashburn (ASH); GRS Gindin (GRS)
1075 Burdorf (BDF); Bihl (BIH); Born (BRN); Kislanko ISOV (KLK); Weighted Win Paths (WWP)
1083 Boyd ISR (ISR); Pugh (PGH); Rudacille (RUD)
1091 Self (SEL)
1107 B Wilson Empirical (BWE); Fleming (FMG); Golden (GLD); Maas (MAA); Nutshell (NUT); Rothman (RTH); Solecismic (SOL)
1116 CPA (CPA); Dolphin Pred (DP); Adjusted Stats EWP (HKB); Kirkpatrick (KPK); OSCAR Predictive (OSP); Sagarin (SAG)
1122 Junky's (JNK); Pointshare (PTS)
1134 Bassett (BAS); Hensley (HNL); Krach (KRA); Wilson (WIL)
1143 Coffey (COF); Donchess Inference (DII); England (ENG)
1157 CPA Retro (CPR); Keeper (KEE); Laz Index (LAZ); Mark (MRK); Pigskin (PIG); Regression Based (RBA); Wiemeyer (WMR)
1161 InPredictable (INP)
11710 CSL (CSL); DeSimone (DES); Dolphin (DOL); Dunkel (DUN); Football Power Index (FPI); Kambour (KAM); PiRate (PIR); RoundTable (RT); Roundtable Retro (RTB); USAT CFCC (UCC)
1183 Bassett-Stephenson (BSS); Dokter Entropy (DOK); Real Time RPI (RTR)
1195 Dezenzio TSRS (DEZ); Hatch (HAT); Know Huddle (KH); Rissler (RSL); Stat Fox (SFX)
1203 AccuRatings (ACU); Fremeau (FEI); TeamRankings Pred (TRP)
1214 Congrove (CGV); Coleman MVP (MVP); MvG Sports (MvG); Wobus (WOB)
12210 Anderson (AND); Colley (COL); Catherwood (CTW); Henderson (HEN); Ken Stromness (KEN); Knight (KNT); Loudsound (LSD); McDonald-Seer (MDS); Welch (WEL); Whitlock (WLK)
1234 McCormick (MCK); Nolan (NOL); Stupey (STU); Wolfe (WOL)
12411 Annar (ACR); Baker Bradley-Terry (BBT); Billingsley (BIL); Coleman's MinV (CMV); Kellner (KEL); Logan (LOG); MJS Standings (MJS); Phelan Power (PPP); Sorensen (SOR); Tempo-Free Gridiron (TFG); Vern (VRN)
1258 ARGH (ARG); Claudio (CI); Director of Info (DOI); Ernst Zermelo (EZ); Marsee (MAR); Morgan (MGN); Payne (PAY); Round Robin Win % (RWP)
1264 D1A Sports (D1A); GB Eldredge (GBE); Howell (HOW); PerformanZ (PFZ)
1272 Romer (RMR); TrueSkill (TS)

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