Computer Rankings for Purdue

Massey Ratings College Football Ranking Composite as of Thu Oct 22 11:57:09
(114 computer rankings)

681 TrueSkill (TS)
791 Director of Info (DOI)
801 Pointshare (PTS)
811 Born (BRN)
831 Nutshell (NUT)
841 Kambour (KAM)
851 Football Power Index (FPI)
861 Moore (MOR)
871 Pigskin (PIG)
895 BC Moore (BCM); Coleman's MinV (CMV); Fremeau (FEI); Coleman MVP (MVP); Rothman (RTH)
905 Bassett (BAS); Dokter Entropy (DOK); Kislanko ISOV (KLK); Stat Fox (SFX); Wiemeyer (WMR)
917 Ashburn BCSC (ABC); Ashburn (ASH); Catherwood (CTW); GRS Gindin (GRS); Hensley (HNL); InPredictable (INP); Predicted CF Playoff (PCP)
924 Donchess Inference (DII); Massey (MAS); Self (SEL); TeamRankings Pred (TRP)
934 Burdorf (BDF); B Wilson Empirical (BWE); Dolphin Pred (DP); Fleming (FMG)
942 Rudacille (RUD); Sagarin (SAG)
956 England (ENG); Laz Index (LAZ); Maas (MAA); OSCAR Predictive (OSP); RoundTable (RT); Tempo-Free Gridiron (TFG)
965 CPA Retro (CPR); Daniel Curry Index (DCI); Dunkel (DUN); Kirkpatrick (KPK); Logan (LOG)
974 Bobcat (BOB); Coffey (COF); Pugh (PGH); Random Walker FL (RFL)
986 AccuRatings (ACU); Congrove (CGV); Boyd ISR (ISR); Rissler (RSL); Wilson (WIL); Whitlock (WLK)
993 CPA (CPA); Keeper (KEE); Round Robin Win % (RWP)
1003 DeSimone (DES); PiRate (PIR); USAT CFCC (UCC)
1011 Marsee (MAR)
1021 Henderson (HEN)
1034 ARGH (ARG); Billingsley (BIL); Howell (HOW); Know Huddle (KH)
1041 Weighted Win Paths (WWP)
1052 Annar (ACR); Adjusted Stats EWP (HKB)
1061 Real Time RPI (RTR)
1075 Kellner (KEL); Mark (MRK); Payne (PAY); Regression Based (RBA); Sorensen (SOR)
1084 Junky's (JNK); Knight (KNT); Roundtable Retro (RTB); Vern (VRN)
1092 Ernst Zermelo (EZ); Solecismic (SOL)
1103 Baker Bradley-Terry (BBT); PerformanZ (PFZ); Welch (WEL)
1118 Anderson (AND); Colley (COL); CSL (CSL); Dolphin (DOL); Ken Stromness (KEN); MvG Sports (MvG); Rhamey (RME); Wolfe (WOL)
1121 Wobus (WOB)
1131 Claudio (CI)
1145 Bassett-Stephenson (BSS); D1A Sports (D1A); Hatch (HAT); MJS Standings (MJS); Phelan Power (PPP)
1163 Bihl (BIH); Loudsound (LSD); Nolan (NOL)
1181 Krach (KRA)
1191 Golden (GLD)
1201 GB Eldredge (GBE)
1212 McCormick (MCK); McDonald-Seer (MDS)
1222 Romer (RMR); Stupey (STU)
1231 Morgan (MGN)
1251 Dezenzio TSRS (DEZ)

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