Computer Rankings for East Carolina

Massey Ratings College Football Ranking Composite as of Thu Oct 22 11:57:09
(114 computer rankings)

251 TrueSkill (TS)
381 Vern (VRN)
392 Fleming (FMG); Marsee (MAR)
401 Maas (MAA)
412 Bobcat (BOB); England (ENG)
431 Hensley (HNL)
441 Laz Index (LAZ)
452 GRS Gindin (GRS); Adjusted Stats EWP (HKB)
464 Dolphin (DOL); Junky's (JNK); Pugh (PGH); Self (SEL)
472 Claudio (CI); Boyd ISR (ISR)
482 Kislanko ISOV (KLK); Sorensen (SOR)
493 Coffey (COF); Mark (MRK); Pointshare (PTS)
503 Ashburn (ASH); Bassett (BAS); Dolphin Pred (DP)
518 Ashburn BCSC (ABC); BC Moore (BCM); Bihl (BIH); Bassett-Stephenson (BSS); CPA Retro (CPR); Krach (KRA); Nutshell (NUT); Rissler (RSL)
528 GB Eldredge (GBE); Hatch (HAT); Howell (HOW); Roundtable Retro (RTB); Stupey (STU); Welch (WEL); Wilson (WIL); Wobus (WOB)
534 Fremeau (FEI); Keeper (KEE); Rudacille (RUD); Wolfe (WOL)
545 Anderson (AND); PiRate (PIR); Rothman (RTH); Tempo-Free Gridiron (TFG); Whitlock (WLK)
555 B Wilson Empirical (BWE); Colley (COL); Knight (KNT); Round Robin Win % (RWP); Wiemeyer (WMR)
565 Burdorf (BDF); CPA (CPA); Kambour (KAM); MJS Standings (MJS); Payne (PAY)
575 Coleman's MinV (CMV); Dunkel (DUN); Nolan (NOL); PerformanZ (PFZ); Random Walker FL (RFL)
584 Daniel Curry Index (DCI); Massey (MAS); Coleman MVP (MVP); Romer (RMR)
599 AccuRatings (ACU); Baker Bradley-Terry (BBT); Billingsley (BIL); Donchess Inference (DII); Ernst Zermelo (EZ); Loudsound (LSD); McDonald-Seer (MDS); MvG Sports (MvG); OSCAR Predictive (OSP)
609 Born (BRN); CSL (CSL); Director of Info (DOI); Logan (LOG); McCormick (MCK); Moore (MOR); Regression Based (RBA); Real Time RPI (RTR); USAT CFCC (UCC)
614 D1A Sports (D1A); Kirkpatrick (KPK); Morgan (MGN); Phelan Power (PPP)
625 Golden (GLD); InPredictable (INP); Kellner (KEL); Rhamey (RME); Stat Fox (SFX)
634 ARGH (ARG); Pigskin (PIG); RoundTable (RT); Sagarin (SAG)
642 TeamRankings Pred (TRP); Weighted Win Paths (WWP)
653 Catherwood (CTW); Dezenzio TSRS (DEZ); Ken Stromness (KEN)
661 Henderson (HEN)
671 Predicted CF Playoff (PCP)
681 Dokter Entropy (DOK)
691 Solecismic (SOL)
701 Know Huddle (KH)
711 Football Power Index (FPI)
731 Congrove (CGV)
761 DeSimone (DES)
871 Annar (ACR)

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