Correlation to Consensus

July 27, 2014

My definition of the "consensus" team rank is the best rank for the team for which a majority of rating systems rank the team at least that highly. That is the median rank if the number of ratings is odd, or the best rank worse than the median for an even number of ratings. (You can find it by alternately eliminating the best and worst of remaining ranks, beginning with the best, until there is only one ranking left.)

The "correlation to consensus" I use is the "distance" of a ranking from the consensus ranking. This is the number of pairs in the opposite order than in the Majority ranking. I like this measurement of correlation because it has a simple interpretation: it is the number of swaps a bubble sort would require to transform the ranking into the consensus ranking.

The distance is the number of discordant pairs - the number of pairs where the teams' relative orders are reversed in the two rankings. When the teams are in the same relative order in both lists the pair is said to be concordant. When the teams have the same rank in either list the pair is ignored.

These can be turned into rank correlation coefficients in several ways. The two I calculate are:

Kendall's tau:

τ = #Concordant pairs - #Discordant pairs

# Total Pairs
Goodman and Kruskal's gamma:
γ = #Concordant pairs - #Discordant pairs

#Concordant pairs + #Discordant pairs
These give -1 ≤ τ ≤ γ ≤ 1. Both will be -1 if the teams are in exactly reverse order, 0 if the relationship is perfectly random (whatever that means!) and +1 if the rankings are identical. The τ and γ are the same if there are no ties (but notice that ties in the Majority consensus rank are to be expected.)


Of course correlations can be calculated for any pair of ratings. For instance I can categorize a new rating as "Predictive" or "Retrodictive" by the size of it's distances from existing ratings known to be in those categories. I calculate the correlations between all ratings-pairs on an ad-hoc basis, but I haven't made a regular report page. For the 13 ratings Dr. Massey included as of Fri Jul 25 we get:
Maj 331 484 503 523 527 547 566 653 656 668 742 921 1022
RWP 331 668 478 731 696 619 813 621 832 891 808 798 1231
BRN 484 668 838 617 556 761 403 953 962 969 1048 1278 985
MAR 503 478 838 929 964 701 931 795 904 945 784 756 1399
PAY 523 731 617 929 519 778 728 1012 885 940 1077 1325 880
MAS 527 696 556 964 519 849 621 997 998 933 1178 1386 863
XWP 547 619 761 701 778 849 926 942 1037 1016 927 1145 1218
MOR 566 813 403 931 728 621 926 1024 1003 964 1081 1353 1014
DII 653 621 953 795 1012 997 942 1024 1035 1076 1021 771 1424
BIL 656 832 962 904 885 998 1037 1003 1035 745 1020 1112 1141
HOW 668 891 969 945 940 933 1016 964 1076 745 1011 1177 1112
PFZ 742 808 1048 784 1077 1178 927 1081 1021 1020 1011 952 1597
CSL 921 798 1278 756 1325 1386 1145 1353 771 1112 1177 952 1753
DOK 1022 1231 985 1399 880 863 1218 1014 1424 1141 1112 1597 1753
It's interesting that even rankings relatively far from the Majority consensus tend to be closer to it than to most other ratings.

Another feature of the distance metric that makes it highly useful is that it is possible to capture and report the contribution of individual team ranks by a rating to the size of the variation. I've added a Corr report to the Analysis: links on the home page to report those, with ratings listed in closest-to-farthest from consensus order.

© Copyright 2014, Paul Kislanko